Steam trap rebate

Maintaining steam trap operation is a smart way to improve steam system performance and potentially reduce unnecessary costs. Replacements or significant repairs of failed steam traps are eligible for rebates.


Equipment or service Rebate
Steam trap replacement or significant repair 50% of installed or repaired costs, up to $250 per trap.


Orifice traps do not qualify for rebates. To enter additional steam traps, the steam trap inventory worksheet may be used and submitted along with your application. If steam trap audit was completed, include it with application. If steam trap cost is based on a quote or proposal, include a copy.

How it works

  • Replace or repair steam traps.
  • Submit application along with dated invoice copy.
  • Receive your rebate check within six weeks of completed application.


Important rebate information

  • Check all rebate requirements on the application prior to service to ensure eligibility. We must receive the application within 60 days of service.
  • Rebate amount cannot exceed the cost of improvement or service.
  • Customers cannot receive more than one rebate per improvement or service.
  • Rebate offers cannot be combined.
  • Funding is limited and can change or end at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

866-872-0052, option 2

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