Manufactured Home Community Blitz

We partner with manufactured home communities, electric utilities, and other organizations to host a community energy efficiency event. At the event, we provide our customers with a do-it-yourself energy conservation kit and educational tips on ways to save energy and money tailored specifically toward manufactured homes.

Manufactured Home Community Blitz Program includes:

  • Free on-site neighborhood energy workshop. Customers who attend the workshop will receive a free energy conservation kit. In addition, the workshop includes a presentation filled with low or no cost tips on how to maximize the energy efficiency of your manufactured home, training on how to install the products you will receive and other potential energy efficiency opportunities.
  • Installation assistance to those who need it. In addition to the workshop, staff will be onsite to assist customers who may need assistance with installation. Once installed, you can start saving immediately.
  • Additional benefits. Income qualified customers will receive a bonus rebate offer for a heating system tuneup if performed within 90 days of the workshop. Other items distributed are subject to change, however, they may include LED lightbulbs from your electric provider or CO detectors.

How it works

Minnesota Energy Resources will work with your property manager to plan and coordinate an event. All you need to do is attend the workshop and receive all the benefits listed above.

Energy Conservation kit includes:

  • High-efficiency showerhead
  • High-efficiency kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators
  • Window film
  • Weatherstripping
  • Water temperature card
  • Pipe insulation
  • LED lightbulbs

Installation instructions

For customers who have already received a kit, here are detailed instructions on how to install the components:

866-872-0052, option 1